Sunday 27 February 2011

Fairbanks Ice Festival, Alaska

Lol!! Check these out! These are ice sculptures that people have made for the fairbanks ice festival arent they amence.

Friday 25 February 2011

Underwater Sculpture Park

The Underwater Sculpture Park is the work of sculptor Jason Taylor from England, who has a passion for creating fantastic and unique pieces of work depicting Grenada’s colourful history and folklore and placing them underwater. All of the sculptures are in beautiful clear shallow water easily accessible by divers and snorkelers. The sculptures end up creating artificial reefs, and enhancing the marine environment.
The response from visitors diving the site has been reported as nothing short of amazement and fascination on the whole concept.
Molo xx

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Giant hand in the desert

Deep in the the Atacama desert in Chile emerges a giant sculpture of a hand. A popular photo spot for tourist visiting the Atacama. The hand was constructed at an altitude of 1,100 meters above sea level. The work has a base of iron and cement, and stands 11 meters tall. The sculpture was inaugurated on March 28, 1992. The sculpture is located about 70 kilometers to the south of Antofagasta, Chile. The artist behind Mano de Desierto, The Hand of the Desert is the Chilean sculptor Mario Irarrázabal. 

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Some websites for sponsoring causes! ( I suggest that you sponser a cause )

Some links for some great causes that I sponsor and some other ones too!
Molo xxx

Some amazing animal pics from the flooded areas in Queensland, Australia .

Most are so exhausted and scared that they allow humans to be in physical contact - most unusual! I only hope someone rescued the monitor lizard from the fence post. And the snake. The Wallaby on the hay bale might have been harder to coax into a boat!

But my favourite has to be the frog that hitches a ride with snake to flee the floods.

Molo xx I would suggest that everyone trys to sponsor a animal or human because its a great cause and u will all feel great after doing it!

Monday 21 February 2011

Welcome 2 my Blog on Useful and Totally random things ...

Hey !!! xxx
Welcome 2 my Blog on useful and totally random things!!!
I hope u find my posts useful and random